Welcome to Camp Chakra Summer Program, an 8-week, self-paced online program designed for moms and their children to explore the world of chakras in a fun and interactive way.

At Camp Chakra, children will not only learn about the chakras, but also develop a deeper connection to themselves and their own bodies. Through the help of the Chakra Kids characters, with their powerful abilities and messages, kids will embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

But the Camp Chakra Summer Program is not just for kids – accompanying the program is a special offering for conscious moms to dive into their own introspective journey alongside their children. Together, moms and kids will build a strong connection through this shared experience.

For a one-time offer of $97, you will gain access to all Camp Chakra resources throughout the 8 weeks, as well as entry into our Camp Chakra Summer Facebook community where the program will be hosted. Don’t miss this opportunity to bond with your child and explore the world of chakras together. Join us at Camp Chakra Summer Program today!